Sunday, December 29, 2019
What it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My Company
What it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My CompanyWhat it Was Actually Like to Be the Only Woman at My CompanyLindsay Grizzard remembers the first time she discussed menstruation with her co-workers. It was about a year into her last job, as a front-end developer and designer with a small tech company of around 11 employees, of whom she was the only woman.I dont remember how we got onto the topic, but I said the word period in an offhand, not-even-talking-about-myself way, and it was just like all the air got sucked out of the room for a second. And then we moved on. I remember going home that night and talking to my friend So my company acknowledged the existence of periods today, and we all survived.This work culture was a stark difference from Hackbright Academy, the all-women coding bootcamp where Grizzard had trained before joining the tech startup, where she worked for around two years until taking a new job last summer. Recent estimates by the NCWIT suggest that wome n hold only around one in four computing jobs in the U.S., and its even worse among women of color, who represent single-digit percentages in the field. That means the overwhelming majority of women in tech are likely to find themselves on teams dominated by men. Frustratingly familiar issues like the gender pay gap and mora recent efforts, including the growing movement to curb sexual harassment, are characteristic of this underrepresentation.But every woman who finds herself alone among male co-workers has a different experience- with some ups, some downs, and more than a few iffy incidents in between. Heres what Grizzards was like, in her own words (condensed and lightly edited for clarity)Interviewing as the First WomanOn my first call with them as a job candidate, they mentioned how I would be really leading the charge as the woman on the team, and they were so excited to have a woman- and mentioned my gender like 10 times in that first kickoff call, which was definitely a red flag. But as a junior developer I was like, Please just give me a job. It felt like misguided enthusiasm, like their hearts were in the right place.So at the time I thought, That was a little weird, but okay, at least theyre trying. And it was kind of nice that they addressed the elephant in the room quickly Yes, youre going to be the only female here, and thats okay, and we acknowledge that, and were being intentional about it.But funnily, my gender didnt really ever come up again until a few months before I left the company. It was so upfront, but then it did kind of become gender-blind after that, which was a little confusing. The person I talked to in the beginning was open to talking about the gender imbalance, but everyone else at the company seemed really afraid to address it or just didnt want to.Fitting In (Up to a Point)After I started working there I became one of the guys, so to speak, which entailed just talking about video games and movies and Dungeons and Dragons- whi ch I can do because Im a nerdbut those were the only conversations they ever had. That was my biggest takeaway from working there that I could only expose about half of my personality.But the gender-blindness at first was really nice. After a while it became kind of annoying, but it was nice to just be able to focus on my job. I was never, ever hit on- and Ive had that at other companies no one ever made any weird jokes about my body or sexualized me at all.I remember there was this turning point when everyone started becoming more comfortable with me, after about six months of working there. There was one guy whose wife worked at Sephora, and makeup came up somehow at the lunch table, and I was like, Oh yeah, they have good lipstick there. And one of the guys started telling me about different types of lipstick, and how actually this one was better and actually he knows about lipstick. I remember looking at him like, you dont wear lipstick your wife is a designer at Sephora, but I dont think that gives you a lot of life experience with lipstick. It was just one of those conversations where I thought, This is what mansplaining feels like- okay, right.It got a little awkward, and luckily a few other people noticed, but no one stepped in- everyone kind of bit their tongue. When we switched topics, everyone jumped in enthusiastically to change the conversation back to video games.Signs of Bias Few Others Can SeeThis is how it is working as a woman on an all-male team You can never put your finger on exactly whether its the gender thing or whether its just a personal thing or whatever. For example, my tech lead would only ever Slack me. It was really hard to get him to come sit down next to me and help me, which is a really common thing to do in coding. But he would do that with everyone else. At first I didnt really notice it, but after six months, it was like every time, even if I would ask him to come pair-program with me for a little while, it would be like pu lling teeth. And we sat maybe five feet apart.Another funny thing was that anytime anyone else came into the office- like anyones wife or girlfriend- the first thing they would say is, Oh look This is the one female Which was interesting because that acknowledgment was coming mostly from women. I never took offense to it, but it would call it out for a second and the whole room would flinch, then let out a sigh of relief like, Are we okay? Okay, we can keep going.Another junior developer and I used to get lunch together. He was kind of my ally at work, and he also sensed the general weirdness at work he did notice the lipstick conversation because that one was just so blatant and out there. But its kind of difficult to talk to male co-workers about this stuff, even if they are your really good friend, because theyre just like, Oh, I dont know, I dont think thats a thingmaybe.Lessons LearnedI really think the tipping point is women in leadership. If I had anyone at a higher rank who was female that I couldve talked to about some of this stuff, it wouldve been much less of a problem. At my new company, I have so many women leaders I can talk to, and it makes such a big difference. And, its also important to just talk about gender dynamics in general Thats why Im okay with doing this interview.I work at gout now, which is a fintech company. Their engineering teams gender ratio is not 50/50 perfect, but its something they recognize and have a team working on it. They actually put effort into their diversity and inclusion programs, which I really like. But the biggest thing I noticed was that I was interviewed by all but one woman, out of I think 12 different people I talked to. That was huge to me.This article was originally published on Fast Company. It has been adapted here with permission. You can find more tips on starting your career in Fast Companys newsletter, Hit The Ground Running.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
3 simple steps you can take to boost employee morale
3 simple steps you can take to boost employee morale3 simple steps you can take to boost employee moraleLow Staff Morale is one of the most common issues leaders report that they struggle with. We need help, one manager told me. People are negative, complaining, and dont feel like the management cares about anything but getting the work done. And, to be honest, thats how they have been treated. We need to turn things around.Practical steps to takeHere are three action steps you can take to improve (your own and) others morale1. Conduct a Self-AssessmentAsk yourself What am I doing that isnt helpful in creating a positive workplace?This could include bothactions(complaining about a co-worker to aelendher colleague) andattitudes(harboring anger and grudges for past offenses). Consider your response carefully. See if any of the attributes below might apply to you.Grumbling, complainingRarely complimentHarbor anger/grudgeIrritabilityQuick to blame/find faultSay one thing, but do anotherQ uick temperGossipingWithhold informationImpatientSee coworkers as a work unit vs a partieHave an its their problem attitudeDont beat yourself up if you have done any of these things (they are a common response to stress), but do recognize they may be a sign that you need to take some time to recharge and re-evaluate the image you would like to project about yourself.2. Dont contribute to the negativityThe second proactive step you can take is toactively disengage from participating in negative interactions. This can simply mean that you stop complaining. (Remember the saying, If you cant say anything positive, dont say anything at all?)Or, if a group discussion turns negative, remove yourself from the situation. You dont have to say anything, or call them out. Just quietly excuse yourself and dont contribute. Your leaving will send a glaubenszeugnis, and may lead to a follow-up discussion with one of the team members. Someone may say, I noticed you left when we starting griping abou t managements lack of communication. A good response might be, Yes, Ive decided to try to not add fuel to the fire. Ive found making negative comments doesnt really help.3. Begin to communicate positive messages to othersActively demonstrating positive communicationis the third simple step we each can take. Sometimes, this can be as simple as saying, Wasnt the sunset beautiful last night? Or, Im sure thankful for air conditioning. Positive comments tend to dampen and throw water on a smoldering, negative environment.A second way to be positive is to share your appreciation for your teammates and the work they do. A simple thanks can be meaningful, especially if its specific. Something like, Jen, thanks for getting your paperwork to me on time. That will help me get the information together for the managers meeting without having to rush at the last minute. This can be an effective way to soften up those colleagues who seem fairly hardened and angry- though, it may take some time.NOT just making employees feel goodFor managers and supervisors, a key point to understand is thatcommunicating appreciation isnt just about making people feel good.Rather, organizations function better when employees (and managers) feel valued. Conversely, when employees dont feel appreciated, bad results followHigher rates of tardiness and absenteeismIncreased incidence of not following policies and proceduresMore internal conflict and stress among team membersDecrease in productivity and quality of workHigher turnover rate - people dont continue with the company as longLower client satisfaction ratings.All of these results contribute to higher costs for organizations. Research has shown that companies with high levels of staff who feel appreciated are 18% more productive and 22% more profitable than companies with staff who report low levels of feeling appreciated. In fact, finding and training new employees is one of the most expensive non-productive costs to businesses.Foundation al fact Not everyone feels appreciated in the same wayEmployees have different languages of appreciation (and unique actions within each language.) Believe it or not, not everyone likes verbal praise. Some people dont trust words while others believe actions speak louder than words. For some, time together is the most important message you can send. We have identified5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace(see the chart below).It can be difficult to determine which of the five languages of appreciation an employee prefers. As a result, we created anonline instrumentthat identifies team members primary and secondary languages of appreciation, and allows them to specify the unique actions important to them.When an employees preferred language of appreciation and specific action that is meaningful to them are used, we can hit the target and help them feel genuinely appreciated.Good things happen when employees feel appreciatedStaff moralecanbe improved by helping team members feel truly valued. The key is to communicateauthenticappreciation in the ways that are meaningful to each team member. Over time, as leaders and colleagues learn to effectively communicate appreciation to each another, people begin to value others andfeelvalued for the contributions they make, which in turn increases their motivation and morale.This article originally appeared on Appreciation at Work.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Infrared Quantum Dots Provide Stunning Images
Infrared Quantum Dots Provide Stunning namens Infrared Quantum Dots Provide Stunning Images Infrared Quantum Dots Provide Stunning ImagesMost researchers use near infrared light (wavelengths between 700 and 900 nanometers) for in vivo imaging within the body. Shortwave infrared light (SWIR) (1,000 to 2,000 nanometers) has the potential to provide even better results, because body tissues are more transparent at that wavelength. SWIR advantages over the visible and near-infrared regions include less autofluorescence, low light absorption by blood and tissue, and reduced scattering.The lack of bright, stable, and high-quality SWIR emitters/markers has prevented the general adoption of SWIR imaging by biomedical researchers. Now, however, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has discovered a way to make nanoscale particles that can be injected into the body, where they emit SWIR in targeted areas. These quantum dots provide researchers with remarkably detai led images of internal body structures and processes.We took advantage of a special property of short-wave infrared light, which is essentially the ability to give a clear, bright signal emitted from the targeted structure that is not blocked or scattered by the surrounding tissues, says research scientist Oliver Bruns, a member of the MIT research team. This allows us to view biological processes in living, moving animals with great clarity and detail.SWIR quantum dot samples. Image MITA Key Semiconductor MaterialBruns and his team developed a class of high-quality SWIR-emissive indium-arsenide-based quantum dots, which can be modified for various imaging applications. They exhibit narrow and size-tunable emission and a dramatically higher emission quantum yield compared to other SWIR probes. These quantum-dot nanocrystals emit light at a specific frequency that can be precisely tuned by controlling the exact size and composition of the particles.The MIT team injected the quantum d ots into mice to determine the metabolic turnover rates of lipoproteins in several organs, simultaneously and in real time. They also measured heartbeat and breathing rates in awake and unrestrained animals, resulting in a detailed 3D quantitative flow map of the mouse brain vasculature.The quantum dots emitted short-wave infrared frequencies that were bright enough to be easily detected through the surrounding skin and muscle tissues. In fact, the dots were so bright their emissions were captured with very short exposure times.Key to this success welches a newly developed camera that is highly sensitive to short wave infrared light, making it possible to produce not just single images but videos that capture details of motion, such as the flow of blood, making it possible to distinguish between veins and arteries.Bruns was impressed by the combination of deep penetration, high spatial resolution, multi-color imaging, and fast acquisition speed.We could track the flow in each and ev ery capillary, at super-high speed, he says. This allowed the quantitative measure of flow at very high resolution, over large areas.Further, Bruns notes, this was accomplished while the mice were awake and moving, as opposed to previous methods that required them to be anesthetized.Future PotentialThis new imaging system could become a standard approach in the future for making detailed images of internal body structures, such as the fine networks of blood vessels.We are still stunned by the quality of the images we can take using short wave infrared emitters, says Bruns. It is amazing to get such a clear look at dynamic biological processes.Initial applications for this system would be preclinical research in animals, since the compounds contain some materials that are unlikely to be approved for human use in the meantime, Bruns and his team are developing versions of the quantum dots that will be safer for humans.Once approved, future applications could include using quantum dots to study how blood flow patterns in a tumor change as the tumor develops, possibly providing insights into new ways to monitor disease progression and determine the efficacy of drug treatments.Our vision is that 5 to 10 years from now, SWIR imaging systems will be a standard for preclinical and clinical optical imaging, says Bruns. Hopefully every research center and every major clinic will have one.Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further Discussion We are still stunned by the quality of the images we can take using short wave infrared emitters. It is amazing to get such a clear look at dynamic biological processes. Prof. Oliver Bruns, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Personal Experience of MEPS in New Orleans
Personal Experience of MEPS in New OrleansPersonal Experience of MEPS in New OrleansThis is a story about Dave Brown and his journey through the Military Entrance Processing Station, joining the Delayed Entry Program, then enlisting and heading to boot camp. The Hotel The recruits arrived at the Double Tree Hotel in New Orleans around 700 PM that night. Armed with a backpack containing an information packet and a change of clothes, they enter the lobby and approach the information desk. The lady behind the counter sent me to abedrngnisher desk for MEPS check-ins. The man behind the asked for personennames and handed clipboards with a form on it. Read everything and sign at the bottom. The rules are simple that night. Dont leave the hotel, be in your room by 10, dont drink, dont do drugs, dont cause trouble. You will be given a room key and be told to sit in a designated area with other recruits and wait for a briefing prior to getting to go to your room. mora RULES You are permit ted only on your own floor, the lobby area, the dining area, the exercise area, and the movie area. A movie plays every 3 hours. If you leave those areas, if you are not wearing proper attire in the exercise area, if you behave inappropriately, or wear anything inappropriate, this includes cutoffs, white T-shirts, obscene material, midriffs, flip-flops or tanktops, you will not go to MEPS. Dinner is served until 1000 PM. It is a buffet. If you do not eat by 1000 PM, you will not eat. Wake-up call is at 315 AM. Breakfast is served at 415 AM sharp. The bus leaves at 445 sharp. If you have not eaten by 445, you will not eat. If you are not on the bus by 445, you will need to find another way to get to the MEPS, because I will not help you. You must return your room key by 415 AM. If you do not, you will not go to MEPS. Regarding the hotel bring a swimming suit and workout clothes. You may have considerable time on your hands. Its a lot more fun swimming than staring at the TV. After 3 0 minutes of killing time, my roommate entered, introduced himself and sat on his bed. You will get to meet other recruits for military while at dinner and hanging out in the exercise room or pool. You will landsee people seeking to serve all branches of the military with all types of reasons why they decided to serve. Soon after nervously chatting about the decisions made, most will spend the night tossing and turning. But try to get some sleep because 315 would be here before you know it. Blink. It arrived. The MEPS The drive was quiet (as are most roads at 445 AM in the rain). Within 30 minutes were were at the New Orleans MEPS facility / Naval Support Academy. What followed was straight out of a movie. The bus was unloading in two straight lines (one of which I joined) under an awning outside of the facility. It was still very dark, thunder rumbling overhead, rain coming down. When you enter the MEPS facility, you will be divided up by branch and sent to your liaison Store your bags in the marked closet The entrance will remind you of an airport terminal. There are several rows of seating, a long desk, and lots or uniformed personnel moving to and fro. Air Force here,Marine Corpshere, Army here and Navy here announced another, pointing out the different offices. Upon entrance, a line formed, where your packets are collected and your names are called. You will be given name tags to put on your shirts, and sent to another line at the Control Desk in the main lobby we entered from. This line was quite long and slowly moving into a room. The last handful of people entered and took seats, and a tall man in camouflage entered and stepped behind the podium. Good morning. I am _________. Welcome to the New Orleans MEPS. He then proceeded to cover the rules and regulations of the facility in detail. There is a snack room with an arcade inside. It is there as a privilege. You are expected to keep it clean. If we find trash on the floor, it will be locked and your on ly snacks will consist of water from a fountain. He then covered Fraudulent Enlistment. You will answer many questions and fill out many forms. If you lie to anyone or on anything, it will be consideredFraudulent Enlistmentand you will be subject to two years in prison and dishonorable discharge. Do not do it. The next person to enter the room was a nurse. She then walked us through every question of the medical form. She also covered thePrivacy Act. Do not share any medical information with anyone here unless he is a doctor. Do not let anyone examine your records. The ASVAB She soon returned, and you finish filling out the comprehensive paperwork. You will likely take the ASVAB if you have not taken it officially yet. You also will take a quick breathalyzer test. The test is long and grueling. It is divided into around a dozen categories of various length, type, and difficulty. (GUIDE NOTE SeeABCs of the ASVAB, for more information). The Medical Exam After completing the te st, you will get your blood taken. After blood is drawn, you then give a urine sample. You will have an observer in the bathroom to make sure you actually do use your own urine. Next up was the blood pressure test then the eye exam. The next station was the dreaded physical. The doctor gives a cursory evaluation for tattoos or piercings. Then you will be instructed to touch our toes to examine the spine for scoliosis. Then, you will be instructed to do various balance and motor skills tests. Then duck walk. Finally, you will have a visual acuity test, where we followed the doctors fingers with our eyes, and he turned out the light and checked out pupils. Air Force people also had to pop their ears using the valsalva method. The whole process lasted 20 minutes at the most. Then, a large screen was put up and we had to individually meet with the doctor. You will have to Turn your head and cough and bend over and let him check for any Hemorrhoids. Of course it is awkward, but everybody has to do it. You will then get dressed and line up for the hearing test then you are off to the personal interview with the doctor. This is where the doctor reviews your record with you and can disqualify you on the spot depending on your answers. The doctor calls you in, and this meeting starts with a literacy test and you will have to read a paragraph. He then asks about the yes questions on the medical form. You will be given your folder, and will take your branch and you will likely be done IF you passed everything. GUIDE NOTE If joining the Reserves,the job selection processis done through the Recruiter. If you are enlistingon active duty,the MEPS experiencewould have includedjob selection, aSecurity Interview, and (likely) enlistment in theDelayed Entry Program(DEP). Additionally, some took the ASVAB and physical on the same day. At most MEPS facilities, today, the ASVAB is performed on the afternoon of arrival, and the medical/job selection process is accomplished on the fo llowing day. Some final thoughts on MEPS - Dont expect much sleep the night before. - Eat your breakfast. - Its not that bad, and if you pay attention you wont have any problems. - Keep it together during the ASVAB. Yes its long. Yes its difficult. Pace yourself and do your best. - Be honest in your medical background. If you have a potentially disqualifying problem, get all the documentation you can squeeze from your doctor, and get aRECENT examination. Have your verbal medical description ready keep it concise and detailed, and keep it accurate. Let the facts speak for themselves. The doctors are very reasonable. I hope you find this helpful Good luck in your MEPS experiences
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Why Everyone Is Mistaken About Project Manager Resume Sample and Why You Must View This Article
Why Everyone Is Mistaken About Project Manager Resume Sample and Why You Must View This Article What Is So Fascinating About Project Manager Resume Sample? For instance, you may be a manager. You should wow a possible employer by displaying your top qualification or accomplishment here. Unprofessional e-mail addresses are only one way of sending hiring managers the incorrect message. Youve worked hard to set up a distinguished career. Vital Pieces of Project Manager Resume Sample Below is a good example of terrible execution to review together. Resumes often start with a fundamental summary statement by means of your career intentions, and have a significant section devoted to a summary of your work history. Share your resume with a trustworthy friend and request feedback Consider the feedback you get and edit your resume accordingly. Leadership is absolutely an ability that includes experience, but not only that. For that reason, its very vital that you highlight all ap propriate experience and expertise to get noticed. For product managers, interpersonal skills are the fruchtwein crucial and also the toughest. The Most Popular Project Manager Resume Sample There are lots of businesses using tracking software to mine a number of the relevant keywords from your resumes. Dont forget to proofread what youve written before submitting. Everybody knows the way to utilize Microsoft Word. New Questions About Project Manager Resume Sample Work settings will likely vary in finance positions. If youre tailoring your resume to a specific job, your very first section could be titled Objective and highlight your particular job objective. Smaller teams who might not have a more experienced recruiter could be curious regarding what steps they need to take to prep for each meeting. Providing timely feedback is likewise an important method to motivate team members. Things You Should Know About Project Manager Resume Sample Work experience should be impr essive, but projects ought to be interesting. Resume writing is a rather important skill that each and every professional must get. Be certain your CV isnt too long. An excellent CV should catch the eye when conveying a consistent and robust impression. The Basics of Project Manager Resume Sample Project managers often oversee numerous projects within a business or organization. Becoming in a position to organize and prioritize the work is likely to help save you a good deal of time and most of all, it gives you the ability to acquire trust and buy-in. People dont understand what you do. Design for America is a great approach to tell people about your experience utilizing the design thinking process in the actual world. Youve completed each of the prep work. Recruiters and candidates alike devote a great chunk of time researching one another to make certain they are making the correct decision. If youre in the procedure for completing a level, be as specific as possible, for instance, 20 credits completed, 32 credits necessary to graduate, each program is 1 credit. Mentioning academic projects wont only strengthen your case in the front of the employer, but it is going to indirectly signify that you dont discriminate between tasks and give each task its deserved importance. Attempt to cover as a number of the essential traits and necessary skills as possible from the description in the work listing. Your resume header should also have bullet points of skills that are related to the job youre applying for. If youre asking for work in Sales, bear in mind that content is king. New Questions About Project Manager Resume Sample Make sure that you are prioritizing what the hiring manager wishes to see, not what you wish to tell. To make certain that the hiring manager can contact you, its clear that you must consist of correct details in your application. Finally, the hiring manager would like to find you may achieve great success in the job th at you seek. Seeking and hiring PMP certified project managers is an excellent place to begin, but nevertheless, it should definitely not be the sole hiring objective. The very first part should explain why you need to be hired, the second why the job is intriguing to you. You just have to demonstrate how each job has prepared you for the job that you desire. In case the job involves a good deal of prototyping, for instance, emphasize prototyping on your resume. Many jobs simply request a resume. Use numbers when you are able to in bestellung to show measurable outcomes. The very first screen of your resume will probably be achieved by a computer. Resume isnt a legal document. Be certain your CV starts with a robust and concise message about what is special about you and why youre the remedy to your potential employers problems.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Bartender Resume Sample
What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Bartender Resume Sample A number of the templates are complimentary while some set you back a few dollars. You could also see Resume Templates. Bartender Resume Sample Fundamentals Explained If youve had such an experience, that isnt any less than an achievement If youre asking for a bartending vacancy at a well-known restaurant or club in your area then there are chances that youd be facing stiff competition. It is simple to get tempted to mention the job which you would love to do at when you write down your experiences. Make certain that you have a minumum of one instance of a time you demonstrated every one of the top five skills given below. Gossip, Deception and Bartender Resume Sample In buchen to acquire a great job you must communicate to the employer that you are prepared, willing, and ready to do the job. Using your previous experience for a volunteer employee or student proves that you comprehend the legal profession and th e way to work with clients. Just create the job description pertinent to the hospitality market. According to the US laws there isnt any formal education necessary for a bartender job. Up in Arms About Bartender Resume Sample? To have a bartender job, you will need to create a good resume which will create the very first impression of you. If youre searching for a job for a bartender, your introduction type needs to be dependent on the quantity of experience youve got bartending. If youre attempting to create an outstanding bartending resume, have a look at the sample bartender resume below to provide you with some ideas about what to write in addition to how to compose your own. The bartender resume sample will help you recognize how to draft a productive award winning resume. If you wish to submit an application for a position of a host or hostess with an establishment then youre able to use the expert bartender resume. A server bartender resume needs to be simple to write . Anyone whos looking to put in an application for a job of a bartender or has experience for a bartender and is seeking to earn a resume for themselves can take advantage of the bartender resume samples. If you are searching for a job for a bartender for the very first time, it would be best in the event you compose an entry level resume. The Good, the Bad and Bartender Resume Sample Its true that you dont require a level to work in the hospitality market. Make certain to exhibit the proper body language, like the ones stated below, in order for the employer to think about your bartender resume. No matter of the sort of paper you select, you can be confident you will come across many examples of resume which will be able to help you construct your own, attractive and professional resume. ur resume builder gives you tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume summary. To begin with, you ought to pick the sample which most defines you. There are a lot of desig n and ideas in the post bartender resume sample that you are able to find, you can come across wonderful ideas in the gallery. Opt for the template which best defines you. Things You Wont Like About Bartender Resume Sample and Things You Will If you need a career in the bar and restaurant business, becoming a Server Bartender is a terrific entry point to get valuable experience. If do not have any experience in customer support, no issue Obviously, a Server Bartender is an important place in the establishment. As a Server Bartender, take time in getting certified in a mix of these courses. Based on your degree of experience, education and skill set, you are going to want to begin your bartending resume with whatever looks the very best. As soon as it s wonderful to speak about your skills in your resume, dont hesitate to include your experiences. Next, youre want to concentrate on your transferable skills. For someone without experience, youve got to concentrate on your abilit ies and qualifications.
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